Treat Days


What we do

Once a month we offer students a chance to purchase yummy treats for $1.  Check out our Calendar, to find out when the next Treat Day is.

How we do it

After school on Treat Days, we sell handmade or purchased treats to students for $1. We try are best to make sure every student has the opportunity to receive a treat.

What you can do

We need parent volunteers to help make Treat Day a success, here is how you can help:

  • Volunteer to provide a dozen baked goods by either home baking or purchasing treats and dropping the treats off in the P.A.C. kitchen (in the gymnasium) the morning of Treat Day.  To ensure every child has an opportunity for a treat, we need roughly 16 dozen treats.
  • Volunteer the day of, to help sell treats after school.  This takes about 15-30 minutes and approximately 3 or more volunteers are needed.
  • Come by after school and purchase some treats with your learner(s).

Who to contact

If you are available to volunteer for Treat Day please contact our Treat Day Coordinator at